Monday, May 5, 2008

Hufflepuff House confirmed

Although it appears that I am a Ravenclaw through and through, I have volunteered to join Happy Hufflepuff for the Harry POtter Sock kit swap #5. Looking very forward to finding out who my partner is...hoping that it isn't a Slytherin!

For more info please see the official site

official HSKS Site -

Happy Swapping!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I've been sorted!

Yay for me. I just finished my quiz and the sorting hat has decided that I am (as I suspected) a RAVENCLAW! So, Yogiknits who has become Andromeda Chesterfield for the HPSK6 Swap will hopefully be placed my house and talking to other Ravenclaws soon!

My results are here...

I was Sorted!

Get Sorted By The Hogwarts Sorting Hat!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Hogwarts Swap!

So, as I'm new to this whole blogging thing, I figured I'd better be new to a whole bunch of things. As a devoted knitter and Harry Potter fan, I just joined the HPSK Swap on Ravelry. Never joined a swap before...another new thing and apparently this is also a sock swap so, being that I have never knit socks before...yet another new thing.

Cool stuff on the site though. Just found out that my Harry Potter alter ego is 95% like Albus Dumbledore and that my fairy name is Columbine Iceglow...results below.

Your fairy is called Columbine Iceglow
She is a bone chilling bringer of justice for the vulnerable.
She lives in mushroom fields and quiet meadows.
She is only seen in the light of a full moon.
She wears lilac and purple like columbine flowers. She has icy blue butterfly wings.">Get your free fairy name here!

Can't wait to see what house I get sorted into...this should be fun, fun, fun! Wish me luck on the socks!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

My first blog post

So, it's a gorgeous Saturday. The first of the year and I'm happy to say that I'm enjoying the sunshine and knitting a truly beautiful little capelet with Berrocco cotton twist in this gorgeous colour range of greens and bronze. The colours smoked me in my LYS and I've been dying to try it ever since. I suspect that the snow covering anything green was my inspiration.

Now, it's time to is here. Knitting, sunshine and not having to cook. What more can we ask for?